Throwback: Lady of the Land that isn't Really There

Written December 28, 2008

Sometimes, when you're all alone, the chill night air a soothing balm after a frenetic day, music pounding softly in your ear, and you're tapping the keys of the PC silently so as not to call the more alert members of the house from their sleep... Just you and your thoughts, and maybe a cup of coffee. That's when you know the most peaceful moments of your life. 

There's no one to stop you from thinking; from travelling far across the realms of your imagination. Beyond all boundaries, all traditions, all society, all rules. It doesn't matter what you're wearing, how your hair's done up. Doesn't matter that you haven't gotten the marks u wanted, or that your friends have been backbiting. Doesn't matter that you're facing imprisonment up to a year and a half without parole. Nothing matters, except you.

Let your wishes soar upwards into the endless blue on the wings of a prayer. Dare to go forward, to claim your mind for your own.

Folks, that's freedom.

The imagination is the greatest gift you can ever have. If you can close your eyes and be in another time, another place... If you can hear their voice, feel their breath on your skin... That's your ticket. Escape. Release. Relief. See friends become enemies; and vice versa. Strangers become princes. Failures turn into successes. Movies and stories have different endings. Chance meetings and encounters turn out differently. Instead of upsetting a glass of Pepsi on your dress in your hurry to shake hands with a cute guy, you enchant the guy with your superior looks and charm and dance the night away. (also applicable to guys and others, just change the gender to suit your purposes).[Aww, 15 years old and socially conscious. :P]  

Remus and Nymphadora Lupin are miraculously saved just minutes away from death. And Jack Dawson is resuscitated just as Rose is climbing into the lifeboat.

It's an exploration of our alternate universes. I forget the name of this awesomely beautiful theory that says that every choice we make takes us in a different direction, changing our life forever. While here I languish in boarding school, in another world, I stay on in Dubai. In another world, I lament a different set of disadvantages. While in this life my goodbye turns my guy into an 'ex', in another, parallel, life; I'm still curled up on the sill, talking to him through the night.

What would have happened? is the question.

As a budding writer, I like playing these scenarios out, testing them, branching them out, adding characters as the plot thickens. It's real fun, and years of this exercise makes it easy for me to think up ideas while writing. Roleplay is also closely related to imagination and creativity.

Mmm, look what we have. A mini treatise on imagination. Couldn't have expected anything less, because my imagination is my favourite possession. It's an amazing past time, and can come handy during neverending car journeys, lectures and days at the hostel. It's amazing how preoccupied you can seem, simply sitting on a wall, zoned out. No one'll ever guess that its REALLY because you don't have anyone to talk to... or because you're feeling left out.


Anyway, here's to the Fairy Queen of ImaginationLand. I always thought she'd look like Cate Blanchette, by the way. Cate's got that ethereal, regal look about her. Although NOT when she's playing Bob Dylan. Then she looks just plain weird, and guy-ish. That woman, by the way, is AMAZING. Seriously. I've got this huge truckload of respect for her. She is so versatile. And beautiful. And graceful. Especially with the pointy ears on.

A toast to Lady Galadriel, and Remus-Nymphadora (who prefer to be called Remus-Tonks) and Jack-Rose... 2 of my all time fave couples. And to Jackie, my special friend and adorably cute guardian angel. And SJ, my best friend in times of crisis. Also, a certain Lady of Lourdes. Thanks, all you people. And also to the me in my parallel universe, who was smart enough to stay at home.

[Note: Jackie was neither a special friend, nor adorably cute, nor anything close to a guardian angel. Just a twerp with a passing resemblance to Matt Damon and a shitty misogynistic attitude.

Note 2: Sadly I've no idea who SJ is. If anyone knows, tell me?]


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