Double Edged Scimitar

Written October 10, 2010

A cold hand grips
Where my heart ought to be
It comes up empty
I laugh my evil laugh and turn
Away from the chaos
That plays out around me
A flames form a background
Red and gold frame a warrior's smile

Little left
To be said
The horses are run away
In fear...
The silence weighs
Upon the field
Where of late men cut their brothers down

Little hope is left
In a world that shrugs
In sympathy that just
Isn't enough
And yet greed refuses to fade away
Hypocrisy is wielded
A double edged sword
For the evil righteous sovereigns

Where one word suffices
For one, another for another
I let my horse run loose
Continue my lonely quest on foot
It isn't fair
To ask him to share
In the losing battle
Fought for a lost kingdom

Contempt bubbles over
The brim of the glass goblet
Yet hypocrisy leans back
A self satisfied burp
Content in selfish beliefs
And an ignorance I pity

The night is yet dark
And the heavy hand of fear
Lies upon my shoulder
And yet I see the dawn rising
Perhaps to find my answers
Floating down the river
All coming to find me
And maybe set me free


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