I Threw Away the Key

Written September 15, 2010

I watch your back
Recede into the shadows
Of this moonlit night
Something breaks within
Some resolve made
Many moonlit nights ago
As a cloud passes over the moon
As realization dawns
Upon a chilly night sky

The music blaring
In the backdrop
Fades into a muted rhythm
And my tears dry
Upon my cheeks
As I dance through a night
Filled with shadow

Why do I break the circle
Mingling with the shadow
Melting silently away

The night has left
A babe in my arms
It yet sleeps
As this step I take
As I walk to the closet
At the back of my mind
The babe in my arms stirs
And in her sleep, smiles

As my closet door\
Swings open for the last time
I sing to her a lullaby
An apology from the world

I tell her how
If I let her grow
And gave her all my love
She would grow stronger
And destroy me too
How I would have to die

I think of the silence
At my back door
And how I never knew
How the silence muted
The ticking of the clock
How my first born child
Is fatherless
And I am left alone

I bid the baby
A gentle goodbye
As her eyes flutter open at last
Her silent gaze
Rests on the closed door
And the darkness of the closet


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