French 2: Bonjour! and Other Stories

Bonjour is a universal greeting that can be spoken at anytime, anywhere. Bon après-midi is often used as a farewell in the afternoon. Bonsoir is a greeting for the evening.

Liaison: an otherwise silent ending consonant is pushed to the next word, where it's pronounced as part of the first syllable. Like elisions, this prevents consecutive vowel sounds.

Enchaînements: ending consonant sounds are pushed onto the next word if it begins in a vowel. This is essentially the same as a liaison, except that the consonant sound wasn't silent beforehand.

Noun Genders
All nouns in French have a gender, which is mostly fixed. Some nouns may have multiple genders depending on context (e.g.: ami/ amie for male and female friend respectively). In some cases the same spelling of a noun can have different meanings for different genders (e.g.: le tour - a tour; la tour - a tower). 

While memorizing noun genders is difficult, there are certain patterns one can remember to make the process easier:
  • Languages, days of the week, months, seasons, metals, colours and measurements are usually masculine. 
  • Word endings 1: Words ending in -e tend to be feminine. 
  • Word endings 2: Nouns ending in -ion and -son tend to be feminine. 
  • Word endings 3: Nouns that end in the following types of -e usually are masculine (-tre, -ble, -cle, -one, -ème, -ège, -age, -isme)
  • Complications:
    -é is masculine, but -té is feminine.
    -de is masculine, but -ade, -nde, and -ude are feminine.
    -ste and -me tend to be masculine, but there are dozens of exceptions. Words for people ending in -ste are often gender-neutral, e.g. le/la cycliste.
    -eur is masculine for most professions or technical terms, but it's feminine for some emotions and abstract things.
    Feminine animals: female animal nouns are generally formed as follows by taking the last consonant, doubling it, and adding a mute -e to the end.

40 Le lait milk noun
41 le sandwich sandwich  noun
42 le riz rice noun
43 Oui Yes Phrase
44 Non No Phrase
45 Merci  Thank you Phrase
46 Bonjour Good morning  Phrase
47 ça va how are you
It goes well/ it's fine
48 Salut hello Phrase
49 Pardon Sorry Phrase
50 Au revoir Goodbye Phrase
51 s'il te plaît/ s'il vous plaît please  Phrase
52 Il y a  There is/ are Phrase
53 Bienvenue Welcome Phrase
54 D'accord Alright Phrase
55 Comment ça va how are you Phrase
56 ça va bien I'm fine/ it goes well Phrase
57 à demain see you tomorrow Phrase
58 à plus tard see you later Phrase
59 désolé sorry Phrase
60 bonsoir good evening Phrase
61 bonne nuit goodnight Phrase
62 de rien  it's nothing
you're welcome
63 merci beaucoup thank you very much  Phrase
64 un cheval a horse  noun
65 un chien/ une chienne a dog noun
66 une jument mare  noun
67 un animal an animal  noun
68 un oiseau a bird noun
69 un canard  a duck  noun
70 une chatte a (female) cat noun
71 un éléphant an elephant noun
72 un ours a bear  noun
73 une tortue  a turtle  noun
74 un lion a lion noun
75 une vache a cow noun
76 un cochon a pig noun
77 une mouche a fly noun
78 un singe a monkey noun
79 un requin a shark noun
80 une abeille a bee noun
81 un tigre a tiger noun
82 un dauphin a dolphin noun
83 un serpent a snake  noun
84 une araignée a spider noun
85 un souris a mouse noun
86 un papillon  a butterfly  noun
87 une insecte an insect noun
88 un fourmi an ant  noun
89 une baleine  a whale  noun
90 un loup a wolf  noun
91 un lapin  a rabbit  noun
92 une poule a chicken  noun


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