Throwback: Confessions of a Bored Website Hit(Wo)Man

Written April 16, 2010

Boredom can do horrifying things to normal, well balanced individuals. Guess what it could do to me.

* Type. Backspace. Type. Backspace. Type type type type. Backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace. *
* Shit, I erased that word too. Damn.*

I guess you kinda get my point. =P

So... 16 days after the Board Exams dropped off the horizon; Facebook is officially the most boring site on Earth. Orkut isn't even worth looking at, except twice everyday, just to ascertain that there are no scraps from the Ex With The Eyes Like Chocolate. Sleeping is totally out of fashion. Even good old day dreaming is met with impatience. (A first, even for me.)

And the initial excitement caused by getting back onto MSN Messenger after 2 years, what with all the new settings and the cool new options... ("OMFG!!! How'd you do that??? Ohmg that is SO DAMN COOL... man, I've really been missing out on MSN. Seriously, IS THAT A PICTURE SHARING OPTION????") Well.. that's kinda gotten old too. After only 2 days.

Down the checklist I go... Questionable Content? (OMG LOL so funny, I never thought they'd say THAT!!!...Oh Shit, there are only 3 new comic strips.) CHECK.
Blog # 1. Read all the posts and the comments and the counter comments and think of all the contexts they were written in and sigh nostalgically. CHECK.
Blog # 2. Spent 3 hours creating a new post that takes approximately 3 minutes to read. Short, snappy, with just the right amount of sarcastic criticism and all the right photos in all the right places. CHECK.
Create Blog # 3. Choose the right template and the design and colour scheme and everything. Think up a snappy sounding name for it. Unfortunately I can think of no snappy sounding content. Still, it's always good to have an extra blog in hand. Worth two in the bush any day. Might come in handy some day when the country is overrun by Maoists (That would be the year 2050) and I need to be the lone anarchist voice shouting in the desert, like the good journalist I am.
All the while, I am waging my own private wars... the first against the mosquitoes, and the second one against YouTube. For some strange reason, the neighbourhood mozzies, though generally amicable, have chosen today to use me as some sort of target for stinging practice. It helps, of course, if one can keep moving one's legs. A difficult achievement when you've got a laptop resting on your knees.
In keeping with International Screw the Princess Day, YouTube is going out of its way to extend buffering time. Closing the browsing session halfway through, providing low volume videos and evil younger cousins who like to push the wrong button on the mouse at exactly the wrong time all seem to be part of the site's Dark Agenda. Also, it's all in Hindi!!!!
Of course, there's always studying. Its funny how much of it always manages to get left over. I might consider opening my books.... but hey, here's that book I've read like, 5 times before.
A toast to Chetan Bhagat, 5 time readable author. Derided as being a 'FUNWRITER' by my Mad Hatter Mentor, but still. And I apologize to myself for the racist title.

Notes: I'm going to spend all effing night wondering who the hell this Mad Hatter Mentor is, aren't I?


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