German 1: All Nouns are Capitalized

In German, all nouns are capitalized. Also, there are three grammatical genders - male, female, and neuter. Unfortunately, the grammatical gender may not match the biological gender. Every noun has to be learned along with its gender.

Definite article (the): der/ das/ die (m/n/f)
Indefinite article (a/ an): ein/ eine (m,n/f)

-- generally speaking, it changes according to something known as the case of the noun.

---- what the hell is wrong with this language?

Recognizing Noun Genders

For example, many German nouns have some kind of ending, which will always or often come with a particular gender.

Non-living objects that end in -e: these will almost always be feminine (Schokolade, Erdbeere, Orange, Banane, Suppe, …). One of the very few exceptions is der Käse. This also works for many, but not all animals (die Katze, Ente, Spinne, Biene, Fliege, …).

Nouns beginning with Ge- are often neuter. This is the only prefix determining gender. (das Gemüse,…)

Essen - To eat (applicable to humans)
Fressen - To eat (applicable to animals)

essenfressen (for animals)
ich esseich fresse
du isstdu frisst
er/sie/es isster/sie/es frisst
wir essenwir fressen
ihr esstihr fresst
sie essensie fressen

Sein - to be

ich bin - i am
du bist - you are (informal)
er/ sie/ es ist - he/ she/ it is
wir sind - we are
ihr seid - you all are (informal)
sie sind - they are
Sie sind - you are (formal)

---- Ok, it is official, this is on crack. 

Conjugating regular verbs
To conjugate a regular verb in the present tense, identify the invariant stem and attach corresponding ending.

trinken - to drink

English personendingGerman example
I-eich trinke
you (singular informal)-stdu trinkst
he/she/it-ter/sie/es trinkt
we-enwir trinken
you (plural informal)-tihr trinkt
you (formal)-enSie trinken
they-ensie trinken

Umlauts are words that have two dots above them. Its function is to change how the vowel sounds. 

There is no separate form for the continuous tense in German. 


1 Mann Man
2 Frau Woman
3 Junge Boy
4 Madchen girl
5 Kind child
6 Brot Bread
7 Wasser Water 
8 ein/ eine a
9 und and
10 Trinken to drink
11 der, das, die the 
12 sein to be 
13 ich i
14 du you singular informal
15 er he
16 sie she
17 es it
18 wir we
19 ihr you plural informal
20 sie they
21 Sie you (formal)
22 Lektion Lesson
23 fur for
24 ein Apfel an apple
25 Essen To eat 
26 Neu/ neue new 
27 Er isst he drinks


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