French 4: Verbs

Verbs in French can largely be classified into 3 groups:

1. Verbs that end in -ER
2. Verbs that end in -IR
3. Irregularly conjugated verbs

An example of ER ending verbs is Parler - To speak:

Je parle - I speak
Tu parles - You speak
Il parle - He speaks
Elle parle - She speaks
Nous parlons - We speak
Vous parlez - You speak (formal/ plural)
Ils/ Elles parlent - They speak

An example of IR ending verbs is Finir - To finish

Je finis - I finish
Tu finis - You finish
Il/ Elle finit - He/ She finishes
Nous finissons - We finish
Vous finissez - You finish
Ils/ Elles finissent - They finish

Irregular verbs tend to need individual conjugation and memorization:

Aller - To go

Je vais - I go
Tu vas - You go
Il/ Elle va - He/ She goes +
Nous allons - We go
Vous allez - You go
Ils/ Elles vont - They go

Dormir - To sleep

Je dors - I sleep
Tu dors - You sleep
Il/ Elle dort - He/ She sleeps
Nous dormons - We sleep
Vous dormez - You sleep
Ils/ Elles dorment - They sleep

Ouvrir - To open

J'ouvre - I open
Tu ouvres - You open
Il/ Elle ouvre - He/ She opens
Nous ouvrons - We open
Vous ouvrez - You open
Ils/ Elles ouvrent - They open

Vendre - To sell

Je vends - I sell
Tu vends - You sell
Il/ Elle vend - He/ She sells
Nous vendons - We sell
Vous vendez - You sell
Ils/ Elles vendent - They sell

Spelling changing verbs - end in -ger, -cer; change slightly in the nous form; e.g.: manger, lancer - nous mangeons; nous lançons.

Stem changing verbs differ in spelling in their nous and vous forms; E.g.: Appeler - to call - Nous appelons; vous appelez.

Impersonal verbs often have to do with weather - pleuvoir - to rain; neiger - to snow; faire chaud - to be warm/ hot.

Pronominal verbs work with a reflexive pronoun. For example, reflexive verbs describe an action being done by the subject, to the subject.
E.g.: Se raser - to shave oneself; se laver - to wash oneself; se lever - to raise oneself/ to get up

Se raser

Je me rase
Tu te rases
Il se rase
Nous nous rasons
Vous vous rasez
Elles se rasent

When two object pronouns modify the same verb, they always appear in a predefined order: me/te/nous/vous/se > le/la/les > lui/leur > y > en.

Verbs with À and De

As you learned previously, Ă  or de can appear after a verb to introduce an infinitive or object. You should consider such a preposition to be an integral part of the verb that completes or changes its meaning.
Je commence Ă  manger. — I am starting to eat.
Ma nièce essaie de dormir. — My niece is trying to sleep.


For verbs appended with Ă  (like penser Ă ), the adverbial pronoun y can replace Ă  + a thing.
Tu penses Ă  l'examen ? Oui, j'y pense encore.

The present tense can also express the recent past in the construction venir de + infinitive, but these should be translated to the simple past or present perfect in English.


129 Vouloir To want Verb
130 Comprendre To understand  Verb
131 Pouvoir To be able to Verb
132 Devoir To have to  Verb
133 Savoir To know  Verb
134 Faire To do  Verb
135 Aller To go  Verb
136 Acheter To buy Verb
137 Aider To help Verb
138 Appeler To call Verb
139 Apporter To bring  Verb
140 Apprendre To learn  Verb
141 Attendre To wait  Verb
142 Chercher To search  Verb
143 Commander To order  Verb
144 connaĂ®tre To know  Verb
145 Affirmer to affirm Verb
146 Appartenir To belong Verb
147 Tenir To hold  Verb
148 Arriver To come  Verb
149 Bronzer To tan  Verb
150 Continuer To continue  Verb
151 Douter To doubt Verb
152 Croire To believe Verb
153 dépender to depend Verb
154 Ă©changer to exchange  Verb
155 Ă©couter to listen  Verb
156 entendre to hear  Verb
157 travailler to work  Verb
158 servir  to serve  Verb
159 essayer  to try  Verb
160 exister to exist Verb
161 expliquer to explain  Verb
162 habiter to live  Verb
163 jouer to play  Verb
164 laisser to leave  Verb
165 commencer to begin  Verb
166 lever to get up/ to raise  Verb
167 manquer to miss Verb
168 mentir  to lie  Verb
169 partir to leave  Verb
170 passer to pass Verb
171 penser to think  Verb
172 peser to weigh Verb
173 plaisir to please  Verb
174 planter to plant Verb
175 prĂ©fĂ©rer to prefer  Verb
176 prĂ©senter to present  Verb
177 promener to walk  Verb
178 recevoir to receive  Verb
179 offrir to offer Verb
180 refuser to refuse  Verb
181 remarquer to remark  Verb
182 rendre to return  Verb
183 Reposer to rest Verb
184 Rentrer to re-enter Verb
185 Repondre To reply  Verb
186 reprĂ©senter to represent  Verb
187 rĂ©server to reserve  Verb
188 retourner to return  Verb
189 revenir to return  Verb
190 rester to rest Verb
191 ressembler to resemble Verb
192 sembler to seem  Verb
193 utiliser  to use  Verb
194 sentir to smell Verb
195 signifier to mean  Verb
196 sortir to go out  Verb
197 supposer to assume  Verb
198 tomber to fall Verb
199 enfuir to escape  Verb
200 raser to shave  Verb
201 Respecter to respect Verb
202 Agiter to act Verb
203 Contenir to contain  Verb
204 couper to cut  Verb
205 courir to run  Verb
206 cuisiner to cook  Verb
207 dire to say  Verb
208 donner to give  Verb
209 entrer to enter Verb
210 finir to finish Verb
211 gagner to win  Verb
212 intĂ©resser to interest  Verb
213 Lancer to throw  Verb
214 laver to wash  Verb
215 marcher to walk  Verb
216 mériter to merit Verb
217 mettre to put  Verb
218 montrer to show  Verb
219 monter to climb Verb
220 cacher to hide  Verb
221 motiver to motivate  Verb
222 neiger to snow  Verb
223 ouvrir to open  Verb
224 perdre to lose  Verb
225 pleuvoir to rain  Verb
226 porter to wear  Verb
227 poser  to pose  Verb
228 posséder to possess Verb
229 prendre to take  Verb
230 proposer to propose  Verb
231 saisir to grab Verb
232 souhaiter to wish  Verb
233 suivre to follow  Verb
234 terminer to end  Verb
235 trouver to find  Verb
236 vendre to sell Verb
237 voir to see  Verb
238 vivre to live  Verb
239 ajouter to add Verb
240 amĂ©liorer to improve  Verb
241 concerner to concern Verb
242 devenir to become  Verb
243 dormir to sleep  Verb
244 regarder to look  Verb
245 casser  to break Verb


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