French 3: Adjectives Make For A Very Long List
French adjectives must agree in number and gender with the nouns that they modify. Most adjectives appear after the nouns they modify Exceptions can be remembered as BANGS: Beauty, Age, Number, Good/Bad, Size.
Possessives, Interrogatives, and Demonstratives appear before the noun.
Figurative meanings will precede the noun, literal meanings on the other hand will succeed it.
Most colors that end in -e in their masculine forms are invariable with gender.
As adjectives, they agree with the nouns they modify except in two cases. First, colors derived from nouns (e.g. fruits, flowers, or gems) tend to be invariable with gender and number.
Second, in compound adjectives, made up of two adjectives, both adjectives remain in their masculine singular forms.
Possessives match the thing owned.
For the sake of euphony, all singular feminine possessives switch to their masculine forms when followed by a vowel sound.
For one owner, the possessive adjectives are:
Person | English | Masculine Singular | Feminine Singular | Plural |
1st | my | mon | ma | mes |
2nd | your (singular) | ton | ta | tes |
3rd | his/her/its | son | sa | ses |
Person | English | Singular Owned | Plural Owned |
1st | our | notre | nos |
2nd | your (plural) | votre | vos |
3rd | their | leur | leurs |
For one owner, the forms of possessive pronouns follow a simple pattern:
The definite article at the beginning of a possessive pronoun can contract with à or de.
Person | English | Masc. Sing. | Fem. Sing. |
1st | mine | le mien | la mienne |
2nd | yours | le tien | la tienne |
3rd | his/hers | le sien | la sienne |
Person | English | Sing. Masc. | Sing. Fem. |
1st | ours | le nôtre | la nôtre |
2nd | yours | le vôtre | la vôtre |
3rd | theirs | le leur | la leur |
The definite article at the beginning of a possessive pronoun can contract with à or de.
To change these to the forms used when multiple things are possessed, simply add an -s to the end of the pronoun and change the definite article to les.
Owners | Person | English | Masc. Plur. | Fem Plur. |
singular | 1st | mine | les miens | les miennes |
singular | 2nd | yours | les tiens | les tiennes |
singular | 3rd | his/hers | les siens | les siennes |
plural | 1st | ours | les nôtres | les nôtres |
plural | 2nd | yours | les vôtres | les vôtres |
plural | 3rd | theirs | les leurs | les leurs |
Possessive pronouns act like modified nouns, so you must use ce/c' when referring to them with être.
93 | Froid/ Froide | Cold | adjective |
94 | Chaud, Chaude | Hot | adjective |
95 | Nouveau, nouvelle | New | adjective |
96 | Petit, Petite | Small | adjective |
97 | Grand/ Grande | Tall/ Big | adjective |
98 | Jeune | Young | adjective |
99 | Joli/ Jolie | Pretty | adjective |
100 | un sac | bag | noun |
101 | une poche | noun | |
102 | les vêtements | clothing | noun |
103 | pantalon | pants | noun |
104 | une chaussure | shoe | noun |
105 | une chemise | a shirt/ blouse | noun |
106 | une jupe | a skirt | noun |
107 | une botte | a boot | noun |
108 | un costume | a suit | noun |
109 | une portefeuille | a wallet | noun |
110 | un manteau | a coat | noun |
111 | un chapeau | a hat | noun |
112 | une chaussette | a sock | noun |
113 | un jean | jeans | noun |
114 | une veste | jacket | noun |
115 | une parapluie | umbrella | noun |
116 | un gant | glove | noun |
117 | une casquette | cap | noun |
118 | une écharpe | scarf | noun |
119 | une cravate | tie | noun |
120 | blanc / blanche | white | adjective |
121 | couleur | colour | noun |
122 | bleu/ bleue | blue | adjective |
123 | vert / verte | green | adjective |
124 | jaune | yellow | adjective |
125 | rose | pink | adjective |
126 | gris/ grise | grey | adjective |
127 | marron | brown | adjective |
128 | violet | purple | adjective |
260 | bon / bonne | good | adjective |
261 | même | same | adjective |
262 | premier/ première | first | adjective |
263 | bien | good | adjective |
264 | long/ longue | long | adjective |
265 | dernier/ dernière | last | adjective |
266 | beau/ belle | beautiful | adjective |
267 | génial/ géniale | great | adjective |
268 | simple | simple | adjective |
269 | français/ française | french | adjective |
270 | mauvais/ mauvaise | bad | adjective |
271 | second/ seconde | second | adjective |
272 | difficil/ difficile | difficult | adjective |
273 | nombreux/ nombreuse | numerous | adjective |
274 | impossible | impossible | adjective |
275 | troisième | third | adjective |
276 | différent/ différente | different | adjective |
277 | clair/ claire | clear | adjective |
278 | fort/ forte | strong | adjective |
279 | large | large | adjective |
280 | pauvre | poor | adjective |
281 | dur/ dure | strong | adjective |
282 | gros/ grosse | fat/ large | adjective |
283 | bête | stupid | adjective |
284 | énorme | enormous | adjective |
285 | drôle | funny | adjective |
286 | méchant/ méchante | mischievous/
naughty vicious |
adjective |
287 | laid/ laide | ugly | adjective |
288 | japonais/ japonaise | japanese | adjective |
289 | sombre | dark | adjective |
290 | anglais/ anglaise | english | adjective |
291 | européen/ européenne | european | adjective |
292 | italien/ italienne | italian | adjective |
293 | chinois/ chinoise | chinese | adjective |
294 | espagnol/ espagnole | spanish | adjective |
295 | africain/ africaine | african | adjective |
296 | sympa | nice | adjective |
297 | américain/ américaine | american | adjective |
298 | sérieux/ sérieuse | serious | adjective |
299 | prêt/ prête | ready | adjective |
300 | sec/ seche | dry | adjective |
301 | allemand/ allemande | german | adjective |
302 | gentil/ gentille | kind | adjective |
303 | seul/ seule | alone | adjective |
304 | propre | clean | adjective |
305 | léger/ légère | light | adjective |
306 | sale | dirty | adjective |
307 | meilleur/ meilleure | better | adjective |
308 | pareil/ pareille | such/ similar/ alike | adjective |
309 | réel/ réelle | real | adjective |
310 | logique | logical | adjective |
311 | électrique | electric | adjective |
312 | pire | worse | adjective |
313 | plat/ plate | flat | adjective |
314 | ordinaire | ordinary | adjective |
315 | fixe | fixed | adjective |
316 | libre | free | adjective |
317 | profond/ profonde | deep | adjective |
318 | précis/ précise | precise | adjective |
319 | inutile | useless/ unused | adjective |
320 | indispensable | indispensable | adjective |
321 | populaire | popular | adjective |
322 | privé/ privée | private | adjective |
323 | complet/ complète | complete | adjective |
324 | solide | solid | adjective |
325 | pratique | practical | adjective |
326 | célèbre | famous | adjective |
327 | vivant/ vivante | alive | adjective |
328 | intéressant/ intéressante | interesting | adjective |
329 | fermé/ fermée | closed | adjective |
330 | responsable | responsible | adjective |
331 | fin/ fine | thin | adjective |
332 | efficace | effective | adjective |
333 | sauvage | wild | adjective |
334 | secret/ secrète | secret | adjective |
335 | idéal/ idéale | ideal | adjective |
336 | précieux/ précieuse | precious | adjective |
337 | puissant/ puissante | powerful | adjective |
338 | dangereux/ dangereuse | dangerous | adjective |
339 | faux/ fausse | false. | adjective |
340 | haut/ haute | high | adjective |
341 | âgé/ âgée | aged | adjective |
342 | tout/ toute | all | adjective |
343 | spécial/ spéciale | special | adjective |
344 | gras/ grasse | fatty | adjective |
345 | sage | wise | adjective |
346 | marié/ mariée | married | adjective |
347 | tel/ telle | such | adjective |
348 | cru/ crue | raw | adjective |
349 | incroyable | incredible | adjective |
350 | indépendant/ indépendante | independent | adjective |
351 | magnifique | magnificent | adjective |
352 | possible | possible | adjective |
353 | ancien/ ancienne | ancient/ old | adjective |
354 | prudent/ prudente | prudent | adjective |
355 | vieil/ vieille | old | adjective |
356 | célibataire | single | adjective |
357 | bruyant/ bruyante | noisy | adjective |
358 | lourd/ lourde | heavy | adjective |
359 | parfait/ parfaite | perfect | adjective |
360 | blond/ blonde | blond | adjective |
361 | roux/ rousse | red-headed | adjective |
362 | brun/ brune | brunette dark haired |
adjective |
363 | quatrième | fourth | adjective |
364 | rond/ ronde | round | adjective |
365 | cinquième | fifth | adjective |
366 | facile | easy | adjective |
367 | aucun/ aucune | none/ not any | adjective |
368 | quelques | some | adjective |
369 | plusieurs | several | adjective |
370 | chaque | each | adjective |
371 | franc/ franche | frank | adjective |
372 | liquide | liquid | adjective |
373 | entier/ entière | entire/ whole | adjective |
374 | certain/ certaine | certain | adjective |
375 | futur/ future | future | adjective |
376 | prochain/ prochaine | next | adjective |
377 | agréable | agreeable | adjective |
378 | inconnu/ inconnue | unknown | adjective |
379 | récent/ récente | recent | adjective |
380 | magique | magical | adjective |
381 | autre | other | adjective |
382 | culturel/ culturelle | cultural | adjective |
383 | demi/ demie | half | adjective |
384 | excellent/ excellente | excellent | adjective |
385 | mince | thin | adjective |
386 | universel/ universelle | universal | adjective |
387 | brillant/ brillante | shiny | adjective |
388 | international/ internationale | international | adjective |
389 | neuf/ neuve | new | adjective |
390 | perdu/ perdue | lost | adjective |
391 | positif/ positive | positive | adjective |
392 | négatif/ négative | negative | adjective |
393 | professionnel/ professionnelle | professional | adjective |
394 | gratuit/ gratuite | free | adjective |
395 | majeur/ majeure | greater/
larger more important |
adjective |
396 | super | superb/ great | adjective |
397 | actuel/ actuelle | current | adjective |
398 | aléatoire | doubtful/ uncertain | adjective |
399 | général/ générale | general | adjective |
400 | plein/ pleine | full | adjective |
401 | présent/ présente | present | adjective |
402 | technique | technical | adjective |
403 | national/ nationale | national | adjective |
404 | vide | empty | adjective |
405 | double | double | adjective |
406 | occupé/ occupée | occupied | adjective |
407 | physique | physical | adjective |
408 | sportif/ sportive | athletic | adjective |
409 | nécessaire | necessary | adjective |
410 | frais/ fraiche | fresh | adjective |
411 | modern/ moderne | modern | adjective |
412 | immense | immense | adjective |
413 | supérieur/ supérieure | superior | adjective |
414 | public/ publique | public | adjective |
415 | vrai/ vraie | true | adjective |
416 | naturel/ naturelle | natural | adjective |
417 | court/ courte | short | adjective |
418 | grave | serious | adjective |
419 | étroit/ étroite | narrow | adjective |
420 | capable | capable | adjective |
421 | rare | rare | adjective |
422 | suivant/ suivante | following | adjective |
423 | curieux/ curieuse | curious | adjective |
424 | délicieux/ délicieuse | delicious | adjective |
425 | fragile | fragile | adjective |
426 | ouvert/ ouverte | open | adjective |
427 | extrême | extreme | adjective |
428 | exact/ exacte | exact | adjective |
429 | util/ utile | useful | adjective |
430 | lent/ lente | slow | adjective |
431 | étranger/ étrangère | strange | adjective |
432 | original/ originale | original | adjective |
433 | classic/ classique | classic | adjective |
434 | intéressé | interested | adjective |
435 | sympathique | nice/ kind/
friendly likeable |
adjective |
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