Throwback: Three Days Into Adulthood

Written August 12, 2010

"With great power comes great responsibility."
~ The Green Goblin, Spiderman

Losing your phone is the most annoying thing that can happen to anyone who really cannot live without theirs. Not really being used to walking around looking like I've got a sleek metal thingy growing out of one ear, I was mostly fine. But just at the first, there was this feeling of being incredibly vulnerable and naked.
In such cases, it's very good to have 20 year old dudes buy you shoes. Two pairs of shoes at that. It doesn't really matter that you 'cruelly' dump them a couple of days later. I mean, max everyone decides that you're a bitch via any of the following logical reasoning:
(a) You should have given it a shot. For at least a trimester.
(b) You shouldn't have led him on for a week. Why didn't you say no in the beginning?
I mean, like he wouldn't have been depressed if i'd said no in the beginning. Also, giving it a shot for an entire trimester really isn't the same as leading him on for said trimester, right?
I'm surprised that these are the people who came in the top 50 of the Common Law Admission Test. I mean, we had an entire section devoted to Logical Reasoning, for crying out loud.
Studying with the nation's brightest is an experience you do not wanna miss, trust me. It's guaranteed to make you lose faith in the whole of mankind.
But fear not, my devoted readership; for this story has a happy ending. Apparently flashing each other is as much an important part of getting over someone as far as guys are concerned, as bitchy sessions with pepsi and lots of tissue are for girls. So yes, in the words of the brave hero, "Depressed, my ass."
Encouraging, really.
Among other news, it ought to be noted that there's something incredibly crazy about walking to that bar and ordering a large beer, knowing that your id card is ALWAYS there to back you up. The joys of being legal = Awesomeness + Sheer Bliss.
Lady J's mum has crashed in our room, and hence i kicked myself out my own bed and into that of that other friend henceforth known as Cheesy Sundae. On second thoughts, the moniker KFC suits her better. I mean, really, try this convo out for size:

I get out of the rickshaw in front of the mall, hoping that my Epic Quest for a laptop charger is finally nearing its end. The headphones of my newly acquired cheap fone are in my ears, but they are silent because I just turned the radio off. A strange music starts playing in my ears, and I wonder whether I've been transported to La La Land. I take the headphones out, wondering whether the music is coming from somewhere outside. No, it's not. I put the headphones back in, and the music comes back. Then it strikes me. My new phone lets me know of an incoming call by playing soft music directly into my ears. I answer.

Me: Hey, dude, wtsup?
Cheesy Sundae: Where are you?
Me: Mantri (Mall)
Cheesy Sundae: Get me KFC
Me: Huh? Oh... kayy.
Cheesy Sundae: Don't get too much, coz I'm short on cash. Get two pieces.
Me: Okay, cool, I'll do that.
Cheesy Sundae: Okay, bye.

It's a standing joke among us that when CS becomes a judge, and court is in session, the KFC delivery guy walks in. The Honourable Judge will at once proclaim, "All rise" and the whole court will rise out of respect for KFC. Anyone who fails to do so will be held in contempt of court.

Here's to the awesomenesses of growing up, of bitching about boys (frankly, I wish they would just DIE), to projects and deadlines AAAND extensions... to Rahul Gandhi coming to college (=D)... to cheap ass phones with dual SIMS... to memories that come back to life and chat with you on Facebook during Legal Methods class. Speaking of Legal Methods, here's also to cannibalistic spelunkers and pigs and rats getting capital punishment.



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