French 11: Adverbs

Adverb Placement:
If an adverb modifies a verb, it usually follows right after it.
An adverb comes before an adjective or other adverb that it modifies.
A long adverb that modifies a phrase can usually be relegated to the beginning or end of a sentence.

Adverbs of Quantity:
Imprecise quantities are expressed using adverbs of quantity, which are usually followed by the preposition de.
Recall that du, de la, and des cannot be used after expressions ending in de, such as adverbs of quantity. Thus, des does not appear before chiens and de la does not appear before bière. However, other articles can follow adverbs of quantity when the noun is specific.

Comparatives and Superlatives
The adverbs plus ("more") and moins ("less") can be used with the conjunction que in comparisons.
To express equivalence, use aussi...que ("").
Adding a definite article before plus or moins creates a superlative. The definite article agrees with the noun being modified.
If the adjective should follow the noun, then the definite article must be repeated.

Bon, Bien, Mauvais, and Mal
In French, we have to deal with the good (bon and bien), the bad (mauvais and mal), and the ugly (trying to decide which to use). Luckily, in most cases, bon and mauvais are adjectives while bien and mal are adverbs.

In a compound tense like the passé composé, adverbs normally come between the auxiliary verb and its participle.


    762 plus more adverb
    763 moins less adverb
    764 bien good/ well adverb
    765 there  adverb
    766 aussi  also adverb
    767 mal bad  adverb
    768 très very adverb
    769 trop too much/ very adverb
    770 ici here adverb
    771 assez enough adverb
    772 beaucoup a lot adverb
    773 maintenant now  adverb
    774 vite fast  adverb
    775 souvent often  adverb
    776 tard late  adverb
    777 tôt early adverb
    778 voici here is adverb
    779 sûrement surely adverb
    780 lentement slowly  adverb
    781 normalement  normally adverb
    782 suffisament  enough adverb
    783 ensemble  together  adverb
    784 au moins  at least  adverb
    785 en fait  in fact  adverb
    786 tout à fait tout à fait adverb
    787 bref in short adverb
    788 devant in front of  adverb
    789 à peu près nearly adverb
    790 peut-être maybe adverb
    791 seulement  only  adverb
    792 presque almost adverb
    793 toujours always  adverb
    794 encore  again adverb
    795 parfois  sometimes adverb
    796 pourtant  however adverb
    797 rarement  rarely  adverb
    798 généralement generally  adverb
    799 si  if  adverb
    800 bientôt soon adverb
    801 après after adverb
    802 déjà already  adverb
    803 dessus above  adverb
    804 peu little  adverb
    805 environ about/ approx. adverb
    806 puis then  adverb
    807 ensuite then / afterwards adverb
    808 ainsi  so  adverb
    809 enfin at last  adverb
    810 notamment  particularly
    811 particulièrement particularly adverb
    812 simplement  simply  adverb
    813 rapidement  quickly  adverb
    814 tellement  so much  adverb
    815 evidemment  obviously/ evidently adverb
    816 exactement  exactly  adverb
    817 ailleurs  elsewhere  adverb
    818 surtout  mostly  adverb
    819 plutôt rather  adverb
    820 vraiment  really adverb
    821 partout all over  adverb
    822 tant  so adverb
    823 cependant  however adverb
    824 en bas below adverb
    825 en haut up adverb
    826 loin far  adverb
    827 ci this  adverb
    828 dehors  outside  adverb
    829 près near  adverb
    830 là-bas over there  adverb
    831 quand même still  adverb
    832 de cette manière in this way  adverb
    833 dessous  below adverb
    834 directement  directly  adverb
    835 finalement  finally  adverb
    836 actuellement  currently  adverb
    837 absolument  absolutely  adverb
    838 complètement completely  adverb
    839 entièrement fully  adverb
    840 autrement  other  adverb
    841 immédiatement immediately  adverb
    842 certainement  certainly  adverb
    843 parfaitement  perfectly  adverb
    844 relativement  relatively  adverb
    845 probablement  probably  adverb
    846 effectivement  effectively  adverb
    847 tout all adverb
    848 malheureusement sadly  adverb
    849 heureusement  fortunately/ happily adverb
    850 dedans  in  adverb
    851 facilement  easily  adverb
    852 principalement  mainly  adverb
    853 quasiment nearly  adverb
    854 apparemment  apparently  adverb
    855 uniquement  only  adverb
    856 extrêmement extremely  adverb
    857 totalement  totally  adverb
    858 debout  standing  adverb
    859 franchement  frankly  adverb
    860 gratuitement  free  adverb
    861 définitivement definitively  adverb
    862 alors so adverb
    863 juste  just  adverb
    864 même even  adverb
    865 fortement  strongly  adverb
    866 mieux  better  adverb
    867 longtemps  long time  adverb
    868 réellement actually  adverb
    869 lui-même himself  adverb
    870 avant before  adverb
    871 honnêtement honestly  adverb
    872 jamais  never  adverb
    873 rien  nothing  adverb
    874 pas du tout not at all  adverb
    875 non plus no more  adverb
    876 ne veux plus  don't want anymore  adverb
    877 ne peux plus  can't anymore  adverb
    878 ne sais plus  don't know anymore  adverb
    879 ni or/ nor  adverb
    880 plus de more than  adverb
    881 il n'y a  there is not/
    there are not 
    882 nous non plus neither do we  adverb


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