Memories of a Glass Window

Written 2008, Published 10/10/10

A stream of light through a window of glass
Took my mind flashing back
Breaking all barriers of the fourth dimension
Rushing back to memories where-

Streams of light through glass windows
Fell upon white desks; a blackboard
Glinting off black braids and ponytails
Reflecting merry smiles and gales of laughter
Mingling blank faces and looks of wisdom
The serenity of Enlightenment

A drone on the podium, the monotony
Then broken by the welcome bell...
The familiar sounds of recess

Waking many from a trance
From a futile attempt to fight of the oncoming stupor

Still others, adrenaline pumping, as the Hawk Eye of the teacher turned
In all its wrath; upon form after motionless, breathless form
Lost books and homework not done, the occasional serious misdeed...
A collage of emotions and actions, faces and names
Pranks and punishment, all rolled into one

Sailing on the Wind-- that transcender of Time...
From that so very distant past, now lingering
As memories through my window of glass


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