Throwback: Cuckolds - A Tale of Two Parties

August 2, 2010

Close your eyes, and feel the wind on your face. The chill in the air, the way your bare toes are getting cramped on the cold stage. But there's no time to think of that... coz the music is on, and it's time to blast your way through the night.

Open your eyes and smile, at the smile above a white shirt, below crinkly eyes. Dance to remember... and then dance to forget.

The scene shifts and remains the same. Your dress is different, though of the same colour. A colourful scarf can sometimes make all the difference. The music blares, and remains the same.

You're watching a crinkly smile from across the quad, and there's a little something burning up within you. Perhaps it's just the rum. Or perhaps it's the countless unmentionable words that suggest themselves to you. Perhaps its the sight of two people dancing, something you only saw because you were looking for it.

It doesn't really matter, because there are other lines to cross. Other crazy dreams you can follow, on chill nights with music in the air.

There's something to be said for saving face with dignity-- after all, "Who's the Boss?" What are the rules, and what do you do, if you want to command respect from everybody. You gotta remember the ancient roman proverb about the man who tried to ride 2 mules at once. They tore him apart. You gotta remember it, and then you gotta got out and ride your mules. That's the way life goes.

You don't understand why you would rather be, what you do not want to be. It's weird, but you gotta settle for one or the other. Or you gotta ride both... but sometimes, there are things out there worse than just getting torn up in two.

It's not nice being the other woman, but maybe i'll take it every time, and put the horns on somebody, rather than have them put on me.

Cheers to lots of shots, to the direct correlation between mothers staying over and packs of aspirin, to the lamentable occasion of twin thefts, inexplicable split personality disorders on Facebook during class, the ticking clock that just came back, delicious chocolate pastry, and to life at India's premier institution for law. 


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