The Petunia Experiment

October 10, 2010

On a young green stalk,
Widening smartly, fresh in the air;
Its ethereal whiteness, the epitome of purity
Swaying in the currents of air...
Air so strong, but gentle around it
As though loath to touch and harm

Beauty that reduces the strongest to bow
The never ending equation nature provokes

The sensitive flower feels the ground tremble
Tremors louder by the moment

A hand stretches out, fingers closing - a vicelike grip
Wrenched from the stalk, its sources of life...
Carried away in a hurry

Yet head up, injured not dead
Whither cometh this source of pride?

Hours later, drained of water, its pretty head droops
Placed on a tile, white mirroring white

Cold unfeeling steel dragged through its petals...
White gown mutilated... privacy violated
The downy fibre rent neatly

Thin green lines along the inside
Radiating rays of the sun... moving outward

Green: the colour of leaves & cash
The ultimate symbols of Life
Against white, all about doves and clouds
For peace and hope

Spread lifeless on the lab table
Senseless to the drops of water
Hydration for the sake of exhibition

Too late to save
they serve to preserve
For the gaze of the teacher... for marks on a card


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