Take Me Home Tonight

Written May 31, 2012

Judgemental shadows standing by 
Violin strains from hidden alcoves
Velvet curtains and a prince in blue
Spotlight on the centre of the ballroom floor

You take my hand/ Ask me for a dance
Spin me around and pull me in tight
Cup my face in caressing fingers
And whisper in my ear sweet dreams/ Of escape

Into a vision perfected in my mind
Where it's just you and I on the floor
Waltzing to a tune woven with our dreams
And we'll know what we left behind

So take me home tonight
In a carriage on plush seats
White horses running loose
Through the woods with wicked boughs
Crackling/ the night swallowing us up
As we flee our nightmares together

And we'd draw lines together 
In the sand/ And together we'd watch the surf run wild
Let the days grow old around us
Let the sun sink below the sea line

These crazy dreams would dance with me
Starring me and you in the old Wild West
Help me open up a new chapter
To a story ending here tonight

Listen to the wheels turning through the wood
Watching me drop a bauble in the mud
Sleepless nights don't help my case
And all I want is home again

So take me home again tonight
My castle by the lake/ set
Deep within the woods where 
Magic and moonlight come alive
And gentle maidens sing to the stars
On the sea bed/ where evil capers
As spotted fawns/ and distress follows
Always young men in black

Take me home tonight
These dreams are ending
What comes next is anyone's guess
So let's you and I draw our thoughts
Into the stars/ Let the constellations decide
Let the reins slack with the crack of a whip
And maybe these horses will fly us
Some place where it's just you and I


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