Coup D'Etat

Slow insidious ripples snaking 
Up through the shadow-side moonlit 
A conspiracy to destabilize
It's a motherfucking coup d'etat

I breathe, I swallow, I heave, I retch 
No brittle chokehold this 
Pulverizing inwards 
A merciless motherfucking coup d'etat 

Blinding pain, a bubble expanding 
Time slowing down as a virus takes my brain 
Takes my pain, takes me away 
All that's left is the coup d'etat 

What is that noise? 
An army thousand strong 
Trembling the ground beneath
Their march to this fucking coup d'etat 

The battle lasts forever 
An afternoon and a day/ The air 
In my lungs all expelled in service 
To this motherfucking coup d'etat

In the end the ashes reign 
Silence claws its foothold back 
There are no winners here 
In this motherfucking coup d'etat


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