The Story of Eklavya

Adapted from this site.

Near the ashrama of Dronacharya, where Arjun and his brothers learned the martial arts, there lived a bright Nishada boy named Eklavya. He desired to learn the art of archery from Dronacharya. But Drona would never accept Eklavya as his disciple due to his low caste. It was futile to dream of such a privilege.

But the boy was not be put off. His determination knew no bounds. Near his house, under a tree, Eklavya installed a clay idol of Dronacharya that he worshipped as his Guru. Daily, placed offerings in front of this image and taught himself the art of the bow and arrow. His lessons paid off, and he attributed his success to his Guru Dronacharya.

One day, Drona and Arjun were passing near the hut of Eklavya. It was pleasant and peaceful afternoon and people were taking rest. But the tranquility and silence was broken by constant barking of a dog. Eklavya did not like this, and therefore, he shut the mouth of the dog with an arrow. Dronacharya and Arjun were surprised to see the dog with his mouth sealed with an arrow, and yet completely unharmed.

Naturally the curious Arjun asked his Gurudev as to who could have done this delicate job. Even Dronacharya was amazed and knew the archer must be exceptionally skilled. They decided to trace him, and reached the spot where Eklavya was practicing wonders with his bow and arrow in front of the clay image of Drona. It took no time for Dronacharya to realize that Eklavya was superior to Arjun in archery. Drona, who loved Arjun very much, had declared him to be the best archer on the earth. Hence the Guru decided to remove Eklavya as a competitor to Arjun.
Dronacharya went to Eklavya and said, "O young man, who has taught you such wonderful skills in archery! Who is your Guru?"

Seeing the Guru in front of him, the boy Eklavya was more that overjoyed and said, "Why, O Gurudev, this all is your grace! I worship you as my Guru. Look you are there in that image!"

Dronacharya was pleased with the dedication of Eklavya, and said, "I bless you my son. But as is customary, won't you give me my guru-dakshina?"
[It is customary in India to give to the Guru whatever he demands as his fees - Guru-Dakshina for the knowledge the Guru has given to the disciple.]

Eklavya was overwhelmed to see Dronacharya had accepted him as his disciple! Out he said, "O Honourable Teacher, whatever you ask, this humble disciple of yours will offer you as Guru-Dakshina! I am blessed."

Drona said, "O Eklavya, I am pleased with your respect for your Guru. I want the thumb of your right hand as my Guru-Dakshina."

The trees and atmosphere around stood still for a minute! Even Arjun was stunned on listening to this unusual and cruel demand of his Guru. To ask for the thumb of an archer was unthinkable. How could Dronacharya demand such a heavy prize from one disciple to protect the honour of the other!

But Eklavya had no such remorse. Unruffled and with due humility, cheerfully and without protest, he cut his right thumb off and placed it at the feet of Dronacharya.


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