Throwback Post: Baskin Robbins For President

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Written on June 11, 2008 (Comments in red)

And seriously, no one who's ever been on the inside of one of those baby pink themed places can ever argue. Watch Obama and McCain fly out the window, and I doubt even Harry Potter will be able to compete. I'm guessing he'd Apparate to the front of a free for all Baskin Robbins give-away queue.

And I'm guessing that queue would be longer than the one for the Luna Lovegood tryouts.

So this week, I've been splurging out and babying my horrendous sweet tooth with- what else? Baskin Robbins. All the same, my conservative passion for chocolate kinda limits my flavours, and my conservative wallet limits the size of the cone!

Apart from the Baskin Robbins binge, I've been mentally preparing for one of the worst steps in my whole life. I assure you its worse than my first step, when I fell flat on my face and cut my lip.

Leaving for a country where your roots are supposed to be. Well, can't say it's gonna be a whole lot of fun, because I'm discovering that my defiant roots are- contrary to all tradition and nostalgic memoirs- firmly embedded deep beneath the roasting tarmac of Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai. And my heart is with its fast-rising metro project - which I probably won't be around to witness or enjoy.

On the other hand, it's cause for PARTY! I've been updating the guest list, calculating costs, and buying (well, thinking of buying, anyway) gifts for close friends. I've never been much on the gift-buying side of life thanks to my nonexistent pocket money.

And as for packing...

Y'know, it really did seem like the end of the world. In fact, I had this countdown timer which I called the Apocalypse Timer
 counting down to the time I'd have to leave.

And though I'll have to leave everyone I've ever known in my whole life, and everything I've ever been used to, and go and live in some sort of stupid hostel with only a bunk for my own... And have to share the room with a bunch of nosy parker girls with widely different ideas of propriety and culture.. And have to go without internet or music or friends or a boyfriend or anything.. I'm still trying to look on the good side. After all, it is a change. A change from the oppressive atmosphere at home (to the triply oppressive atmosphere there, but whatever). And a change from the total apathy from family (at least there I'll only be dealing with total apathy from total strangers). [Hauntingly accurate prediction.]

And that makes even the fact that I won't be free to wander around as I please or be able to kiss a guy before I'm 20 bearable.

Plus, back home, novels are cheaper... so I'll be buyin' them more than ever... and showing off in front of all my new classmates. (The word new fills me with dread... but whatever!) [Not only did I never buy any novels, but I was also forced to beg, borrow and steal novels from my "new classmates" - and fellow hostel-mates - because as it turned out, they actually had access to the books I desperately wanted to read.]

KK... I'm tryin' to make a situation that sucks look good... and failing miserably, by the looks of it... So I'm signing off here with a toast to MP4 Players, Internet Cafes, Meg Cabot and Sophie Kinsella. Oh, and Long Live Baskin Robbins!!!!
Desperately Emo in Disguise

[Not a particularly good disguise]


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