
Showing posts from May, 2018

These Things That Make A World

Five young men set Out to stand In the rain awaiting The coming of a new A shimmery gold veil To set the stage/ Dismiss The darkness gath’ring sly In corners like spider webs Built of broken hearted tears Twelve white umbrellas And other irrelevant things/ Glist’ning Here to ward against the fire Fury of dragons/ bellowing ‘Cross the city heard/ The twinkle Of sunkissed diamond/ the scent Of broken promises heavy in the air Darkest scorn and vilest kisses One white dress weighed down A shot fired/ ‘Cross the bows Against the water/ the bridge at dawn ‘Tis time to bid goodbye to shame Time/ Time to/ Time to/ Time time time A world of corners where danger lurks In glass, in cloth, in wasabi Nazgul built by charcoal and love Succumbs to death by no man’s hand Luck ran out/ Brought sorrow back in The lost and confusion/ shrieks so loud The world shattering/ ears pinned back Make it stop/ make it/ make it stop For all the gold/ an

Throwback: The Passing Whisper of the Wind

Written September 19, 2010 It was so effortless. Before I knew it, my world was spinning in a different direction. It was like my mind and the world around me were moving at different speeds. Things took time to sink in, and by the time they did, they'd faded away already. It took me a while to understand the pain. It took me longer to take that pain and turn it back on the source of it all. It took me a while to learn. And when I did; when the realization finally hit me, it was all I could do to sink down to the floor, and sob my heart out. I cried that night, because things like this happen only so often, and you're so much smarter if you know to grab it while you can. And because you're smarter if you know when to let it go, because you're too late for no fault of your own, and   it doesn't really matter that everything's just right. And why? Because it was the right height, the right smile. The right edge, because there was no q

DD: Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship:  The process of making money, earning profits and increasing wealth while posing characteristics such as risk taking, management, leadership and innovation. Elements: Innovation Risk Taking Vision Organising skills  Attaining economic development within the shortest possible time. Characteristics of an entrepreneur: Mental Ability  Business Secrecy Clear Objectives Human Relations Communication Ability Intrapreneurship:  A person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished product through assertive risk taking and innovation. Involves a combination of entrepreneurship and management skills. Environment Scanning:   Careful monitoring of an organization's internal and external environments for detecting early signs of opportunities and threats that may influence its current and future plans.  Types of Environmental Scanning: Passive scanning:  Obscure, unspecified and

The Nameless

Photo by  Jonatán Becerra  on  Unsplash We speak of her from time to time  I hear of her likes, her loves, her cruelties  Not once however Have I heard her name How many suns had to pass Before he forgot how to speak it How many sandstorms fought To erase the way it sounded Falling from his lips? What rivers carved Their way through rock What night fell In a silence that held And failed to end And what is the shadow that remains After they have both passed on  Casting gray 'cross memory's threshold Stark, mute, and nameless

Shades of Blue

Vengeance writ  In shades of blue  These cuts strike deep And ink bleeds through  The maelstrom fades Time slows to a halt  Anger crystallizing/ The better These wounds to salt  Would have grown Apart/ Memories dissolving  But the fields ran red With frozen hope shattering Cobalt calls/ Ruby restless A growl emanating from the depths Of ages past/ Of process thwarted And Azure shifts/ while Copper flows

Crosspost: Bloodlines #2 - The Golden Lily

Crossposted from  Feminist Quill , written January 8, 2016. Title: The Golden Lily Author:  Richelle Mead Year of Publication:  2012 Series: Bloodlines ( Series sequel to the  Vampire Academy series) #: 2 Goodreads Rating (Avg.): 4.37 Goodreads Rating (Mine):  3.5 Spoilers... and all that. Plot Description:  In the course of her new assignment protecting Jill Mastrano at Palm Springs, Sydney Sage gains new insight into the working of her organization - the Alchemists, about rogue vampire hunters who call themselves grandiose and cultish names, and even goes on a couple dates. Oh, and there's like, fighting and stuff at the end. Anyway, the progress of Sydney and Adrian's relationship in  Golden Lily  is wonderful to watch. They start looking out for each other, thinking about each other's mood, doing little things to cheer the other person up. They went from strangers to friends in  Bloodlines,  and  Golden Lily  upgraded the S.S. Sydrian to best fri

Sleepless Eyes

Written December 19, 2010 A wind blows in from somewhere Fanning the tongues of an old flame Something stirs under the woodwork And I turn to look out the window The night seems to alight upon my window sill The thinnest strip of wind rushes through my hair Through this crack in the window Through this crack left open in my heart I wish I had the courage to get up From my vantage point on the couch This breath of air annoys me I must either open it to the fullest Or close it forever more The silence reigns supreme And my fingers against the keys pay obseiance As I gaze into the darkness That rushes past me I think of another pair of sleepless eyes Gazing back out at me

Throwback: Waltzing to the Tune of Rhetoric

Written September 7, 2010 A dark series of squiggles make their way down and across the page, in that order. Cheap poetry and lame jokes are the order of the day. For once the silence has retreated and is content to watch from the top row of the bleachers. For once there's no raining on the court while the ball's in play. There's a rose that lies at the back of my locker, wilted and fading away. It's a rose I don't expect to see in bloom again. It's a rose I've put aside, but one I cannot bear to throw away. Perhaps I should consign it to the bonfire I've made in my backyard, out of all the relics from the past. Perhaps keeping it in my locker is dangerous, for it might bloom again. Roses such as this one have been known to bloom more beautiful than before, long long after they withered away into nothing more than thin brown sticks and faded and detached petals. And in my excitement, I might just reach out and grab it again, forgetting th

DD: Indian Partnership Act, 1932

S. 4:  Partnership is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all. Elements of Partnership: At least two persons A relationship arising out of an agreement between two or more persons to do a business. The agreement must be to share the profits of a business. The business must be carried on by all or any of them acting for all.  Mutual agency can be said to be the true test to determine whether something is a partnership. A partnership firm has no legal existence apart from its partners. It isn't a legal entity, nor does it have a separate personality as does a corporation - it merely represents the collective of its partners. A partnership arises through signing of the partnership deed by all partners.  Classification: Particular Partnership:  S. 8:  When two or more persons agree to do business in a particular adventure or undertaking or for a particular period. Partnership at

Self Destruct in 3, 2, 1...

Elon Musk, u ok there, buddy? Watching Elon Musk publicly implode reminded me of an ongoing conversation with one of my best friends. We realized that this is what dudes do in dating/ relationship scenarios: given enough time, they all seem to self-destruct very competently. In fact, you don't really have to do anything - just stay quiet and observe as they carry both sides of a conversation until you don't like them anymore, and they don't like themselves very much either. And it's astounding to me, the kinds of things that are death to the persona of your average dude. Well educated, (seemingly) well spoken, well placed professionally. Confident, comfortable, "argumentative..." Crap, they just lost an argument/ don't know how to respond to a retort/ heard about some other guy you may have had a crush on/ was told that they are not in fact perfection personified. Oh, well, that was a good run. Lasted almost 5 minutes there. **Sigh** The amount


Why don't you... Disregard what I say when I tell you right off the bat that I don't date exclusively? Disregard what I say when I say I take time to get to know people first? Be pushy and attempt to make things go faster than they are? Promptly forget about the time we made out/ hooked up? Constantly ghost/ disappear when texted/ after making plans? Blame the disappearing act on the fact that I don't date exclusively? Be super desperate and then attempt to twist people that are nothing like you into whatever you want them to be? Sulk when that doesn't work? And finally... Wonder constantly, out loud and ad nauseam  why you're single. ðŸ™„

She Loves You

Written December 19, 2010 Standing on the shore Watching the waves come in  She cuts a fine figure perched on the rock The wind is in her hair The smile is on her lips She looks like she could kiss the world tonight Her arms welcome the night That’s rolling in with the tide Her laugh accompanies the rays of sunlight Fading away into the west I wish I could tell you What she is thinking I bet you would kill to know I wish I could tell you That your journey’s over That the thought curving her lips up Is you

Throwback: That Elusive Frog

Written August 30, 2010. The more things change, the more they stay the same.  I want to dedicate this post to all my beautiful, smart and loving girlfriends, who definitely deserve much  much  better than the Losers in Tin Foil that they keep running into. I have a feeling that all the Knights in Shining Armour died out during the Medieval Ages. Damn the Crusades!!! Now all we're left with are these egoistic morons who think They Are. (I swear there is no other way to describe their mentality.) They are God's gift to Womanity. They are the answers to our every prayer. They are what we fasted every Monday since we hit puberty for. Just watch out for that patronizing smile that makes your skin curl. That look in his eyes that says,  "Yes, you're  my  girl. I am your God. Aren't you so lucky? I can't wait till school ends today and I get you on your own." [Note: Yes, I have had ALL OF THE ABOVE lines used on me.] This is where I immortalize th

DD: Company Law VIII - General Meetings

Though a company is an entity distinct from its members, it is also composed of its members. These members express the will of the company through resolutions passed at validly held meetings. Members Meetings are of three types: Annual General Meeting (AGM):  An annual event where members get an opportunity to discuss the activities of the company.  S. 96:  Every company other than OPC is required to hold an AGM every year.   Extraordinary General Meeting:  All general meetings other than AGMs - shall be called by the board the board on requisition of shareholders  requisitionists tribunal All business items can be transacted at extraordinary general meetings - special business.  S. 100:  Provisions for holding and calling such meetings.  Class Meeting:  Held by holders of a particular class of shares/ debentures/ or by creditors. Notice of Meeting: Not less than 21 days' clear notice either in writing or electronically.  Short notice - if consent is given in w

Respond, Apologize and Make Amends



"Let Karma take care of it," one of my friends says, before launching into a gory story about how somebody she knew got what was coming to her. I hem and haw in response, not being a great believer in anything that I can't see a logical structure in place for. If it's a Karma thing, then consider me more than happy to be Karma's agent on Earth. Karma might work in mysterious ways, but in my case, there would be no mystery about Her workings. And he did. Yesterday, for the first time, I felt very little anger. In fact, I felt the traitorous, "chuck it" creep into my mind. Briefly. On the positive side, this is a sign that therapy and time are doing their work. On the other hand, that is just bloody depressing. Because the thought that someone should get away with what they've done is... sickening. When someone goes to great trouble to lie, cheat, gaslight and erase history to adapt the narrative towards their own convenient means, simply let

Crosspost: Bloodlines #1 - Bloodlines

Posted on Feminist Quill , on December 19, 2015 Title: Bloodlines Author:  Richelle Mead Year of Publication:  2011 Series: Bloodlines ( Series sequel to the  Vampire Academy series) #:  1 Goodreads Rating (Avg.): 4.22 Goodreads Rating (Mine):  3 Insert the Usual and Mandatory Spoiler Warning Here Plot Description:  In this series sequel to Mead's  Vampire Academy  series, we revisit the world of dhampirs and Moroi - and the much overlooked human component of this world, the Alchemists. We're following the continued story of Sydney Sage, a minor but favourite VA  character who made her first appearance in  Blood Promise , the fourth book of that series. We're also following complete fan favourite Adrian Ivashkov, who, broken hearted and looking for meaning in life, is drawn to Sydney as the two of them work on a new assignment together. I have to admit, when I first heard of the idea of Adrian and Sydney getting together, I was skeptical .  You cannot

It Lies Beyond

Written December 19, 2010 (slightly edited) It’s not about the laughter It’s not about the pain It’s about what lies beyond It’s about what lives I’ve lived a thousand years I’ve seen it live and die I’ve learnt about fallacies And what erases time But what we leave behind Never really goes away And what we try to forget Lives on in all of us, everyday Watch as the silence ticks On and on and life goes on Don’t cry for what you’ve lost It’ll all come back to you Reach out Let your fingers burn Watch out Lest your heart turn cold Live the life you know In every single minute Love the way you live And don’t bother to turn back Be brave enough to be kind 'Cause it’s all waiting for you Beyond