
"Let Karma take care of it," one of my friends says, before launching into a gory story about how somebody she knew got what was coming to her. I hem and haw in response, not being a great believer in anything that I can't see a logical structure in place for. If it's a Karma thing, then consider me more than happy to be Karma's agent on Earth. Karma might work in mysterious ways, but in my case, there would be no mystery about Her workings.

And he did.

Yesterday, for the first time, I felt very little anger. In fact, I felt the traitorous, "chuck it" creep into my mind. Briefly. On the positive side, this is a sign that therapy and time are doing their work. On the other hand, that is just bloody depressing.

Because the thought that someone should get away with what they've done is... sickening. When someone goes to great trouble to lie, cheat, gaslight and erase history to adapt the narrative towards their own convenient means, simply letting them be seems hugely unfair. So while walking away might be better for me on a whole subjective level, I'm pretty sure Judge Dredd would deeply disagree with that course of action.

"And as for you, Ma-Ma... Judgement time."
"Nobody just gets away with it," say the people who care about my well-being, and I think about Wah-Wah, who bullied everyone he could get his hands on. Wah-Wah, who brutally beat and gaslit his girlfriend to cover up his own inadequacies. Wah-Wah, who is violent, sick and evil minded, a lying, misogynistic cheat. 

I think about Atlas, who attempted to control every woman in his radius, with varying levels of success. Atlas, who was physically abusive, and who would come up with elaborate and ridiculous lies to cover it up.

I think about Ebony Maw, who exerted his influence over the only person it would work on, and went on to throw the brunt of his emotional maladjustment and his insecurities onto that person. Ebony Maw, who would say one thing in private, and be a completely different person in public. Ebony Maw, who was ashamed of the very person he thought he loved.

I think about selfish, self centred Hercules, he of the penis problems. Hercules of the beautiful face and complete lack of scruples about throwing rape threats about. Hercules the beautiful dumb blonde who didn't understand consent, Hercules who wanted his long term relationship on the side, and to be single everywhere else. 

About brutish Porphyrion, who terrorized everyone in sight. Porphyrion, the serial rapist. 

About Geryon, who was open about his distaste for women, even as he filled his life with manipulable women, optimistic women, smart, beautiful women who hoped against hope that he was merely joking.

I think about all the monsters I've known, and about how they continue to thrive. And I wonder why Karma seems to have been on vacation forever.


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