
Showing posts from January, 2018

DD: Scales of Business

Scales of business  refers to the size of the business.  Micro:  The sector most encouraged in low income countries as it shows most promise for sustainable development, is potentially most viable for micro entrepreneurs and fills the most necessary niche in the economy is the initial processing of agricultural products.  Where investment in plant and machinery doesn’t exceed 25 lakhs, or where service sector is concerned, 10 lakhs. Small scale:  Industries organized on a small scale and which produce goods with the help of small machines, hired labour and power. Capital resources invested on plant and machinery buildings have been the primary criteria to differentiate SSI from large and medium scale industries.  Can be classified into  registered  and  unregistered SSI. Large scale:  Those industries which require huge infrastructure, man power and influx of capital assets. Fixed asset of more than 100,000,000 rupees. Public:  Managed, owned and controlled by the government w

Comfy Pillows for the Broken Heart

Written September 11, 2010. Yesterday As I set off Back down the path That leads to sleep And comfy pillows I was tempted To turn around Look back, maybe For it was well past The witching hour Who knows What I might have found Who knows What expression I might have caught On your face, offguard Was it merely the dream Of the late hour The magic that hung Deliberate, in the air Has made me hungry again Hungry for Hope Something that makes me want To reopen the wound So recently healed I'm more sensible Than witching hours and magic This I'll have you know That's why I headed straight down That road that lead To sleep and comfy pillows

Throwback: Where Angels Fear To Tread

Written December 24th, 2008. A friend's abusive boyfriend got into her account and pretended to be her, calling our friendship off. Obviously, he didn't relish the fact that he'd been called abusive. This was my immediate response - she messaged the next day to clear things up. She and I continue to be best friends, and that abusive piece of shit has long since become history.  It's good to be reminded that we do win the occasional important battle.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do you handle the ultimate betrayal? I can still not believe that the words I read just five minutes ago were for real. Not a hoax. Not a joke. What happened? Oh, nothing much. Getting serious, do u think it physically possible for a part of your soul to turn against the other and wound it so deeply that u feel crippled, physically and emotionally? That's what just happened. Oh dear. I for

Perfumes of Arabia

Photo by  Silas Baisch  on  Unsplash Parts of this country has literally been burning for months - years, in fact. North India is a veritable mess of communalism and a marked lack of sanity. South India is cashing in on the opportunity to prove their superiority, but honestly, it's as big a mess as it ever has been. I went on a couple of dates recently with someone I'd been talking to for like, 2-3 years. One of the things that brought us closer was cats. The other was the fact that he worked in Dubai. When I finally met him in person, I realized that Dubai was a subject we both loved more intensely than I had realized. He was brought up in India, notably in Bangalore, and shifted their to work. I came round to things the opposite way. And while literally all of my Indian friends know next to nothing about Dubai, none of my friends from Dubai are interested in eulogizing the place the way I want to. This put my date in a unique position in my friend circle - he loved

DD: Forms of Business Organization

Ideally speaking, a business organization ought to have the following characteristics: Ease of formation Adequacy of capital - when raising capital from the public, the conditions involved are  safety of investment, fair return on investment and transferability of holding. Limited liability Direct relationship between ownership, control and management. Continuity and stability  Flexibility of operations Distinct ownership Lawful business Separate legal personality Dealing in goods and services  Forms of business organization: Sole Proprietorship -  single ownership, no sharing of either profit or loss, unlimited liability, minimal formality. HUF - Hindu Undivided Family, unique to India  - All members (co-parceners) own the business jointly, and it is managed by the " karta" , or head of the family. Governed by Hindu inheritance laws. Partnership  - 2-20 members; governed by the  Indian Partnership Act, 1932 .  Unlimited liability; partners are agents for

Waltz Alone

Written September 7, 2010 Tapping into reserves Of emotion yet unleashed My pen sets out On its solitary tale The laughter in the wings The screams from last night Resound in my head As I stare into The unforgiving glare S ome things  lurk in the shadow O thers  prowl the daylight hours But if my dreams Are anything to go by I'd rather walk the shadows  by myself Than turn around And face the heat So I'm dancing by myself Swaying with the crowd Wishing for the hands That should come and hold me close I'm walking down This road again As my shadow holds my hand Tonight I wish On a wishing star And try to hide the pain Some things can't be hurried There's no point to running But the tiny ray of Hope That keeps me going Shines like the star In the Northern Quarter In a velvet sky From long ago And every time I round a corner I remind myself to smile For who knows but t

Throwback: This Last Strand

Written December 23, 2008 Context: Thoughts resulting from anxiously stressing over whether I'd get to home to Dubai for the holidays or not. (Spoiler: Didn't happen). I don't even want to consider any other alternative, because this tiny little hope is ALL I have left. The only thing that keeps me sane and going. It's just this tiny presumption, a weak flimsy base to all the fancy castles being built on it, high up in the clouds. One word is enough to send the whole damn thing tumbling to the ground. And yet I keep thinking that if I go into battle believing my own invincibility... believing, blindly believing that nothing can stand in my own way, and that no one will say no to me... everything'll turn out alright.

Crosspost: Shifters #1 - Stray by Rachel Vincent

Originally written, August 17, 2015. Crossposted from here . Title:  Stray Author:  Rachel Vincent Year of Publication:  2007 Series: Shifters #:   1 Goodreads Rating (Avg.):  3.81 Goodreads Rating (Mine): 2 I find this cover disturbing rather than alluring. If you have a strong female protagonist, the least you can do is show her face. SPOILERS Plot Description: Faythe Sanders is a female werecat and a rebel. Her happy go lucky days at college come to an end when it becomes known that there's a rogue werecat out there kidnapping tabbies - female werecats. Faythe's family bring her home to keep her safe, but she ends up running into the kidnappers anyway, leaving it up to her to save herself and her cousin. Despite my Goodreads rating of 2/5, this will not be a Negative Review. There will, however, be a lot of ranting. Brace yourselves, please. Stray  had me extremely conflicted. I think it had something to do with the combination of an extremely repress

Buddha of Torts

Written September 6, 2010, based on our Torts professor. Light rays bounce off Against a sunshine pate Bushy eyebrows contract Shadowing a sinister smile Who deplores the lack Of smooth black curls Or gelled spikes... Are not the enigmatic eyebrows Becoming enough Watch as eighty odd 'friends' Shrink back and cower Wincing slightly as those brows Do bear down upon them Jiggling like the evil Yet to come Example upon parable Are issued forth From beneath those ebony arcs That frame round 'innocent' eyes A laughing Buddha In impeccable dress Yet never a Buddha there was Graced by such a pair Of eyebrows so smart

Throwback: Between Ahab and the Whale

Written almost 2 years to the day (January 2, 2016). Thoughts: Interestingly, I got out of law school. I hate narcissism and navel gazing, I do. I also am  obsessed  with myself - my thoughts, my feelings, and all about how I'm the center of my own universe.  The above sentence is the crux of what I want to talk about, to be honest. Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Are you shy or outgoing? Are you conventional or a non conformist? Well? Do you like parties or not? Intellectual? Fluff pieces only?  Cat or dog person? Likes guys or likes girls? Believe in love? Or do you not?  Want to be a mother? Hate the idea of kids? Are you comfortable in your body? Do you want to be a hot size zero who could wear anything without having to think twice about it? Are you a principled social justice warrior who watches her every word and action just so she can add her little bit to righting the world?  Or are you a soulless sociopath full

DD: Business Environment

Crossposted from Ditzy Derivatives here . Business:  An organized activity to achieve certain predetermined goals. Predetermined  goals of business  can include:   Making profit Important position in society Supply of goods and services Creation of job opportunities Offering better quality of life Contributing to the economic growth of society Change is an important part of business, and the  success of every business depends on adaptation . Specific and general forces  affect enterprises - the former (investors, customers, competitors) affect the day to day functioning of enterprises, whereas the latter (sociopolitical conditions, laws) are common to all enterprises and are probably indirect in nature. First mover advantage:  early recognition of opportunities  Threat identification:  corrective and improvement measures to survive competition. Adaptability : coping with rapid changes caused by the dynamic nature of business. Vision statement:  descri