They Came For You

First they came for the spark
The twinkle in my eye 
Reflecting off what I saw 
Deep within a soul I called my own 

Then they came
For the interesting man
They stripped him of his sheen
Merciless in their duty/ They
Came for him/ And I let them

They came for his love
His sincerity/ His laughter
They mocked his existence
I dared not speak up 

They came for the soldier 
For reliability/ For warmth 
For all that was left/ Just the cold 
Cold rain on my skin 
And a memory I guarded fierce 
Behind lips sewn into silence 

They came for the ancient tree
They came for his spine 
They broke me and I sat 
Helpless by/ Fearing what they 
Would come for next 

Then they came for him
This time I marched with them 
We took away the man 
Left only the monster 

And you/ You stood by
And you watched him die 


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