Post Nano Sigh of Relief

On November 1, 2018, I made a spur of the moment decision to do Nanowrimo, barely 3 hours before Day 1 was due to end. And as toxic as Nano can be, I'm glad I did it this year. Because not only did I win, but I also made considerable progress on a brand new novel - one I believe is viable and shows much potential.

Once again, however, I'm reminded of the exact meaning of the words "Rough draft." The book is far from finished, and involves some writing that is so terrible that I can't even consider showing it to other people. 

So no, Nano doesn't end with November. December requires me to write an additional 25,000 words or how many ever is required to finish the book. January will hopefully call for revision and the second draft. 

And in the meantime, I have never had so much fun in a long time as I have had writing this novel. 😘😘


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