Throwback: Devilish Escapes

Written on September 21, 2008

Sneaky, sneaky me! And how! It's middle of term time, I'm officially still at the hostel... and still a blog post! Such is the magic of the modern female mind.

There are a hundred things that could go wrong here. And when they do... 
I'll be so royally fucked that the next time u hear from me could possibly be only in 2010.

I mean, even I can't believe I so blatantly bunked my Brilliant classes to go write a Catechism exam I don't have, only to end up in a cafe I've never visited before... Whoa. Congratulations to me. And let this be a lesson to my dearly beloved parents:

Never ever think even for a moment that a twisted mind can be cured simply by shutting it up in a stupid convent someplace.

Moving on... I'm rather overwhelmed by the number of incredibly cute guys around here. And being a fan of Paulo Coelho, I too am searching for my soulmate. Just like Brida. It'd be kinda cool if we could have many soulmates, eh? Or does that sound too slutty? According to Brida, finding more than one soulmate in a lifetime leads to pain and sorrow.

Paulo Coelho is a REALLY great guy. I've learned something from every book of his:
  1. The Alchemist: Follow your dreams
  2. Fifth Mountain: True love triumphs
  3. 11 Minutes: Useful info about sex (okay, not so much the 'useful' bit...)
  4. The Valkyries: Always wear sunshades in the desert, especially when motorcycles are around. Also the difference between love and a crush.
  5. By the River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept: Your first love may always have a chance, even when he's at the seminary.
Moving on, my exam results weren't too bad. I raised my grade all the way from an F to a C. Hoping to do better next time. Oh, and BTW, there is this comic strip every humour lover should be reading. Here's the URL: Go, Jeph!
So, it's nearly time for me to be off. Back to my sorry habitat of drab nuns and freaky school rules. And I'll see ya some time round the end of this month IF I've not been hung from a yardarm till death for today's escapade.
Cheers to Paulo Coelho and Catechism exams, Barack Obama and Faye Whitaker! (follow the URL)
Cia0, from your beloved Princesse forever!

I can edit and rewrite till I am blue in the face, but I'm afraid I can do nothing for immaturity. In hindsight, I should have taken my cue from this incident. Instead of regressing to the regressive mean, I ought to have literally just run away. And stayed away. Hindsight's 20/20. Instead I went back and suffered through another two years. 

I still remember that day, coming back from the internet cafe and running straight into my grandmother. The study center had called her, and she'd gone straight to the school/hostel to ask about my whereabouts. She was the only one who knew I didn't have a Catechism exam. Looking back, it surprises me how good all of them - the nuns, the study centre administrators, and my grandmother - were at ensuring that kids, and especially girls, kept within the prescribed social lines. 
It never occurred to any of them that we would have interests outside what they'd told us we did. Didn't occur to them that we should have individuality. In fact, they guard very strongly against it. 

How well we have our kids brainwashed here in India. How strongly we are indoctrinated with the notion that there is no freedom except for what they allow us. 

Not so much a Paulo Coelho fan anymore. I find his books simplistic, and even moralistic. I mean, what's that nonsense about more than one soulmate causing pain and suffering. Somehow I mentally edited that part out over the years, my only takeaway from Brida becoming the multiple soulmates business, and the idea that a soulmate does not have to be romantic in nature. 

That was the year Obama was elected - hence all the presidential election references. How far we've come in nine years. 

Oh, and Questionable Content is still a great comic strip. 


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