Throwback: Searcheth the Key

Photo by Jeswin Thomas from Pexels

Published on July 12, 2008.

30th June, 2008

It seems like the whole world is going on, while i lie forgotten, buried, locked away.
Life is an unforgiving thing, and people are forgotten faster than the sand that blows over their graves. Long before final resting places merge into one another and earthly abodes crumble into dust, the souls that inhabited them are wiped from the memories of the living. And as each of a generation retires for good, there is one less reason to be remembered.

In this vein, the song Leave Out All the Rest is thought provoking. Chester always seems to take great pleasure in tormenting people with his torments, and this one is no different.

"...I woke with this fear
What am I leaving, when I'm done here?"

You know what, Chester? Good question.

So.. locked up in a hostel and cut off from all lines of communication by the overzealous (and as I'm sure, well meaning) efforts of my parents, I do indeed, feel like the world's moving on without me.

There's no point in turning bitter. When others have had to move away, I've moved on. I just didn't know exactly how much it hurt up until now.

By the way, my latest company is to be compared to the Cro Magnon man. These caring and well meaning new classmates with horrendous English do their level best to protect me from the corruption of their talk about guys.

*Rolls eyes.* (No they can't see it, the lights here don't work.)

Anyway, it's Bedtime at Bootcamp now, and I GTG.

Cheers to LP, they're second only to BSB, and Baygon, and forgotten graves.

Rest in peace. Pax Vobiscum.

A post written while in the hostel, typed and uploaded on one of the infrequent chances I got to visit an internet cafe. The reference to Baygon is doubtless due to the many flying cockroaches that populated the hostel.


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