My Gut Told Ya So

If something feels intuitively off, it's for a good reason. Trust it. 

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

When I was in school and college, I would always feel bad for the kids that were ostracised by everybody else. I'd sit next to the ones who sat alone, I'd make an effort to talk to them, often jeopardising my own extremely precarious social standing in the process. 

It took until college for me to realise that sometimes when a person seems to have no friends, that's for a very good reason. (And by very good reason, I don't mean lice in their hair or eczema-like skin conditions - both things I've seen people get isolated for.)

I mean, sure, people can be bigoted or overly judgmental. But sometimes, if someone has no friends, it isn't because they are a victim as much as it is because they're just a terrible, terrible person. 

Learning to hear, and eventually trust, my gut was quite a process. But I like to think that today, at 30 years of age, I've more or less perfected the art. Unfortunately, this means I now frequently come off as extremely harsh and quick to judgment. But for those who stick with me through their own process of making such mistakes, I end up sounding like a quote-unquote "soothsayer." 😆

 [Seriously, I'm having Anushka Told You So t-shirts made, and there's a list of people happy to sign up for them.]


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