Can't Catch A Break, Can't Catch... A Dragonair

This has been THE most frustrating morning. 

I fell asleep with Pokemon Go open, so obviously, that was the first thing I saw when I checked my phone at 6 am today. And there, in the section showing Pokemon nearby... was the shady silhouette of a Dragonair. 

The Dragonair! It's all I need to complete my Niantic mandated Collection event! It's super rare and I've been despairing of ever finding it! And it was right there, at a Pokestop near my house. 

So of course I dragged myself out of bed and into the 'fresh' air above the nearby landfill at 6:15 in the morning. Of course, I walked around warding off mosquitoes and whatnot while I tried to find this elusive Dragonair. 

And of course, by the time I reached the Pokestop in question, I got a message saying the Pokemon had 'fled.'

Fine. Whatever. Luck's not that great today, I guess. So I turn around and head back home. 

As soon as I get home, the bloody Dragonair's back! That's right, and this time at a Pokestop that's even closer. I stare at that little silhouette in despair because obviously there's no choice but to head back out. 

The closer I get to the Pokestop, the more excited I get. And no amount of Darumakas getting in my face or Seels trying to trip me up will get in the way of that. I'm not even annoyed at the number of Dratinis there are, masquerading as their evolved form. 

But then, I get to the Pokestop... and no Dragonair. The little window shows me that it's still nearby. I try the location search and it shows me the exact spot I'm standing in. And yet, no Dragonair. 

I walk back and forth, encouraged by the fact that it hasn't 'fled' yet. I catch other Pokemon in hopes that this is the right thing to do. I even see a Dragonair guarding the nearby gym... clearly, someone was able to catch it when it was near the first Pokestop, and couldn't wait to show off.

Just when I had almost given up hope, I saw it. Identical to the one at the gym - a Dragonair. Breathless with excitement, I note its high CP (Combat Power) and decide to hit with everything I've got. Golden Razzberries - the most powerful love potion for Pokemon. Ultra balls, to accommodate the Pokemon's size and power. And 'Great' throws, to increase the odds of catching it. 

And wouldn't you know it? After the 6th or 7th try, that goddamn Dragonair 'fled'. 

So here I am, back home, beyond sad, itching all over from the mosquito bites, and still one short of completing my collection. Oh, Dragonair, Dragonair, wherefore art thou, Dragonair?!


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