Ariadne's String

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Dreams split wide/ Revealing
The blood of delusions seeping through
My head light/ dizzy
A blood rush down and away/ Seeking egress

Toes tapping against imaginary dances
To the beat of a long dead story
A string tied to a rib/ Only
To be yanked viciously

Follow on/ Or die alone bleeding
Out from separation anxiety/ Separation
From a rib that turns out to be
More than a little important

Once/ Or so the story goes
Ariadne’s thread glowed bright
Leading heart to heart through
A labyrinthine world/ Twists

And turns only to lead right back to you
Always find my way back to you
Once/ Or so the song is sung
Until to ashes the magic yarn

Fire-kissed twine did turn
To reddish-copper burnished
Sullen in the flames of betrayal
Longer, stronger, worthless now/ Leading

Off into a different world’s timelines
A dull ache left behind
Resounding/ with failure/ with agony unending
Except in the dreams of our dreamers


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