Your Knight in Shining Armour

Photo by 小胖 车 on Unsplash

I fly on angel white wings
Past clouds of tears
That rain down their sorrows
Down upon you
I swoop down over
The drowsy city
Dipping lower past garden walls
Where ivy climbs
And feels at home

I slip between your curtains
And stand guard by your head
I watch the moonbeams
Kiss your hair
And spread across your bed

So many times
I wasn't here
For this night long vigil
All those years when I rode to war
Avenging the poor
And protecting the land

I missed your love
I failed your pain
But in my heart
I carried a flame
Knowing that
The day would come
When trumpets welcomed me
Back to your home

I did not know
About the vials
Of crystal clear glass
That lined your sill

I did not know
How they seemed to increase
Carrying the pain
Of your love for me

No little birdie
Came to find me
As I practiced
My strokes on the snow

No little mole scout
Told me the tale of how
Vials of salt-water tears
Had extinguished my flame

I swoop down tonight
On a city I once loved
Past the turrets
That now look so dead

I flit in between
Your curtains
And stand guard
Beside your head

I watch as the moonlight
Spreads over your bed
As a row of crystal vials
Keep me company
This last vigil

Written on August 29, 2010


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