Feminism, Apathy and the Opportunity Cost of Fighting Dragons

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

The theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes, organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. ~ Merriam-Webster 
A range of political movementsideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define and advance political, economic, personal, and social rights for women
This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. ~ Wiki
Such a controversial word - even though it shouldn't be. The older I become, the heavier the weight of the patriarchy becomes. All the steps I take towards freeing myself seem to lead only to new traps. And so I slowly realize the vastness of the problem. How intricate, how insidious it is.

I grew up on a diet of mythology and medieval honor codes. Of bravery, chivalry, and honesty. Of Robin Hoods and standing up for what's right. It would seem that I foolishly imbibed the wrong lessons during those years.

The allegorical nature of those stories also made them severely simplistic. They lead the naive young reader to believe they can achieve the impossible. That saving a castle from a sleeping curse is about hewing through a forest of thorns and killing a dragon-witch. Dealing with oppression in day to day life is about mental forests of thorns, which are a lot worse. Finding allies is even more difficult. Talking wolves are in short supply, and it is important to remember that even Robin Hood was betrayed in the end.

There has been a lot of talk about trivializing the issues of feminism. Sure, an acid attack is a LOT worse than being subjected to a professional dress code. But each of us carry within us internalized misogyny that contributes to the sum of the world's misogyny. We aren't throwing acid at other people. But does that make us perfect and above reproach? Does it mean we've attained salvation?

I think not.

So don't worry about the rapists and murderers, my friend who is neither. To them, we will preach the anti-rape and anti murder reformation sermon. To you is preached the anti objectification sermon, the anti entitlement sermon, the anti-rape joke sermon. Stop pretending you're perfect and fix yourself. Then you can concern yourself with serious feminist issues.


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