Starting Over

I close my eyes and reopen them in a different life. 

Clay Banks on Unsplash

For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of a different life. Sometimes, these lives are almost the same as the one I have - with just a few improvements. But almost always, I flit from one improved version to the next, until I’m high in the clouds, massive wings creating thunderstorms miles away with every flap. 

These days, the urge for transformation is especially strong. Change everything, says the little voice inside my head. Change your hair, your skin, your eyes, your body. Change your house, your name, your face, your friends. 

Get rid of everything and start over.

I change what I can. I switch to new blogs, new instas, new twitter accounts, new games, new books…

But the big things are beyond me. So I stay small, and frustrated, doomed to walk the earth on my rubbish feet. 


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