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Now Feeling: Like A Real Writer

3D Mock up Cover Image
Cover Design: Yours Truly

If you've been reading my posts here, or on my older blog for a while, then you know I love writing poetry. Well, a whole bunch of them have now been published, and the book is available for sale (for peanuts). 

Start of the Same Old Story mirrors the frustration you've been feeling, the high highs and low lows of life - be it falling in love, or starting a new job. (And let's face it, those two things have far more in common with each other than they should.) In this book you can see me make the same patterns of mistakes over and over - so you don't have to! And you can laugh and laugh and laugh, because being human is about being stupid sometimes, and maybe that's okay. 🤣

I write about hope and tears, about love and loss.. and for some reason, about burning things down. 

Please feel free to buy the book and then write to me at with your feedback. Heartfelt praise and rotten tomatoes are equally welcome! 

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