Still Here? How?

Photo by William Isted on Unsplash

I wanna say I had a productive social media cleanse, but considering it was punctuated by horrifying real life situations, I'm not so sure it comes out to a net win.
I'm trying to implement several things, but they all come down to the same thing - consistently doing something every day. Ah, my Kryptonite, my Achilles' heel, my 4 am sleep deprived tendency to go down internet rabbit holes.

When I look back at 4 years ago, or 10 years ago, I'm struck my how much has changed, and also by doubt that not enough has changed. Do I still blog the same way? Aren't I still writing stuff I may never finish? Isn't my voice still too immature? 

New doubts also find their way in, but for some strange reason, they mostly have to do with my haircut. I know I had to cut it that short - I was going through a phase of self-loathing that extended to my irredeemably damaged hair. I know I told myself I was going to make more of an effort to look nicer. But November has knocked me down, and I am yet to recover.

Along with damaged hair, I have now accumulated another pet peeve - the sensation of hormones sloshing around in my head. What I mean is any sort of situation where I experience heightened emotions - anger, despair, fear, whatever. I dislike it. It's like sometimes I can hear the yelling long after it has died down.

How do you leech emotions out of your brain and throw them away? After almost 2 years of working on it, I have come to the conclusion that it can be achieved only part of the time, and that too by shutting off my feelings.

Came across a tweet on the murderous George Zimmerman's latest stunt today:

And the sad part is, it doesn't make my unsurprised blood boil, it makes my blood tired. These terrible trash scum will take an example of a somewhat effective movement that managed to raise some awareness, and try to publicize it as proof that the oppressed have finally begun to oppress them. tHE PRobLeM oF rACisM is SOLVED. We can all go home and sleep in peace. 


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